I've discounted my eBooks drastically because as of April 1st, I will be unpublishing the eBook version of both my books. This wasn't an easy decision to make, as I know many people prefer eBooks.
Recently the trend of people pirating eBooks, especially from Indie authors, is on the rise. I know a lot of people don't feel that this is stealing, but it's robbing many authors of the ability to make a living. I know others feel this only harms Amazon, but Amazon doesn't care, otherwise they would make it more difficult to do.
I have heard many arguments from people who love to read, as that is their main form of entertainment. They read hundreds of books a year and simply cannot afford to buy books that may or may not be worth spending their limited funds on. Look, I empathize, but it's still a kick to the balls for the authors who spend countless hours, not to mention money, creating the books you love to read. Most authors, even traditionally published authors, are struggling financially as well, especially as we tend to only make a dollar or two on each book sold.
If you want to keep your reading and spending habits healthy, head to your local library and sign up for a library card. Then download an app such as Libby and read to your hearts content. It's legal, it's free, and it supports your local library and authors.
If you've already ordered These Words and/or A Thousand Melodies through Amazon, I thank you immensely. Once you have ordered an eBook, even if it's unpublished, you will still have access to the books, as Amazon keeps them on file.